Why Vodafone Chose Speexx

Vodafone and Speexx started their partnership in 2011 to improve Business English communication skills at the multinational telecommunications company. To date, over 1250 courses have been launched. At Vodafone, learners boost their English skills with the award-winning Speexx online solution, live communication skills training and ongoing coaching.

“Good morning everyone, I’m Manuela Mancino, I work in the HR department in Vodafone. I deal with the learning design for managerial training. Our partnership with Speexx started many years ago. It has certainly been a great example of valuable and efficient collaboration from a learning point of view.

Our language training offer is broad: we provide our students with several types of courses, mainly in English, because our headquarters are in the UK. But we also offer a number of other languages, such as Italian. What really distinguishes our partnership with Speexx is the level of modularity and customization. Modularity because the language training offer ranges from online courses to face to face solution, as well as many other tools which allow us to have a proper customized blended learning strategy.

The coaching, virtual class rooms and phone training are tools which give our students the possibility to be always connected, having a highly diverse learning process, in all phases. Another great aspect of our collaboration is the project manager, a crucial figure for our students’ learning process. Why? Because the project manager allows us to combine technology with the human factor, giving our students the opportunity to approach the learning process in a softer way.

Our training offer has changed over the years: we’ve moved from giving one course to all our employees to a more specific training solution for each person, depending on their needs for developing knowledge. Speexx has accompanied Vodafone throughout this digital transformation process, so we would like to thank them for this efficient partnership and wish you all a good day.”

See more videos of what our client have to say about Speexx.