The 70:20:10 Model – Does it Really Work?

The 70:20:10 training and development blend can help accelerate learning to support a changing business. As technology and the internet revolutionize every sector, organizations are having to respond by releasing new versions of products and services much more regularly to meet customer demand and compete in the marketplace. Employees must stay up to date with evolving client and consumer demands and this requires regular upskilling. Traditional classroom-based training methods no longer meet the challenges of the fast-paced and globalized business world. Online and flexible training, where the learner is in charge of what, when and how they learn, is more agile and effective, yet organizations have concerns about how this fits in with the 70:20:10 approach.

In a past post, we defined the 5 steps that HR professionals need to take in order to successfully embed the 70:20:10 model.

  1. Have a clear strategy in mind
  2. Be a good communicator
  3. Don’t forget the human factor
  4. Remember that one size will not fit all
  5. Before starting a 70:20:10 initiative, plan how you will measure the results

Speexx dedicates periodic webinar sessions to the 70:20:10 model, during which an expert trainer introduces the participants with the topic, enocuraging them to discuss with peers from all over the world.

The impact of 70:20:10

70:20:10 is primarily an agent of change for extending our thinking about learning beyond the classroom and other structured, event-based development activities. Good use of the 70:20:10 framework results in increased focus on supporting effective learning and development within the daily workflow, naturally and at the speed of business. Organizations working to a 70:20:10 framework for learning and development should see more business agility, with an increased ability to meet changing market demands and stay ahead of the competition.

If HR is realistic about the fact that learning no longer needs to take place in a traditional classroom, they open up a lot of opportunities for employees. They can learn from joint projects with their peers, through trial and error while solving a complex problem and through mobile learning apps on their tablets. Happier employees, who feel they have the performance support they need to cope with their day-to-day workflow, means happier customers and more business value from each employee working to their potential.

In turn, an organization with motivated individuals who feel they are having their learning and development needs met and that they are working for a competitive business will be well-placed to attract and retain the best people. Motivated employees will drive the 70:20:10 themselves, once they understand the benefits, and will seek out more learning opportunities suited to their schedules.

Organizations are looking not only to reduce the time it takes to provide training but also the time it takes to translate that training into business impact and this is where 70:20:10 provides real business value. Combined with better communications, this approach will help organizations unlock their full potential.

Register for our next free webinar about the 70:20:10 model and improve your Business English during a free virtual classroom session.