Speexx BlogTarek Barakat

Speexx Blog

We are more than 300 people who share a goal to bring the best digital learning experience to users in large organizations worldwide. If you have a passion for languages, coaching, learning technology and AI, HR and L&D tech, and the future of skills development coaching and training in the hybrid workplace, this blog is for you.

We are more than 300 people who share a goal to bring the best digital learning experience to users in large organizations worldwide. If you have a passion for the future of skills development, coaching and training in the hybrid workplace, this blog is for you.

Empathetic Leadership: Strengthening Psychological Safety in the Hybrid Workplace

By Speexx Blog Team|

As we navigate through a world changed by the pandemic, it has become clear that leadership styles prioritizing empathy are essential for creating a positive and productive workplace. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In the context of leadership, it means creating a work environment where employees feel seen, heard, and valued. In this post, we explore the power of empathetic leadership in strengthening psychological safety in the hybrid workplace and why it's more critical now than ever.

The Power of Diversity and Inclusion in Leadership

By Speexx Blog Team|

In today's fast-paced business world, it is essential to have a diverse and inclusive workplace. The power of diversity and inclusion in leadership cannot be overstated, as it creates an environment where employees feel valued and respected, leading to increased productivity and employee engagement.

How Technology Benefits Your Personalized English Course

By Speexx Blog Team|

It's hard to imagine a time when technology wasn't integral to corporate language training. But a few years ago, language students met in classrooms every Wednesday night and had to rely on textbooks and CD-ROMs for their language education. These resources were often expensive, barely interactive, and didn't provide real-time feedback. But now, technology has advanced to the point where we can create personalized English courses and a learning experience tailored to each learner's specific needs.

L&D Trends 2023 – Welcome to a New Era?

By Stefanie Eder|

What are the most important trends for HR development in 2023? What challenges and opportunities await us in the area of continuing education? These questions are addressed and analyzed annually in the L&D Global Sentiment Survey.

Situational Leadership in the Hybrid Workplace

By Speexx Blog Team|

Managing a hybrid team can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be! One effective approach that can make things a lot easier is situational leadership. This concept was first introduced by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard way back in the late 60s and early 70s.

The Languages of Love Applied to the Workplace

By Livia Paccarié|

Good communication is essential in the workplace. But how can it be improved? It sounds like a joke, but it might help to model ourselves on how we communicate with our partner. A "love language" adapted to the workplace could lead to surprising results.

Speexx Expert Webinars for HR and L&D

Speexx is all about bringing out the best in your people. We do not only blog we also host a wide range of webinars for different verticals and professions, featuring partners and expert Speexx coaches. Check out our upcoming sessions and save your seat. They are going fast.

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