Manifestation is now officially a thing: the hashtag #Manifestation has been viewed more than 37 billion times on TikTok, with popular video titles like ‘This sound made everything I wanted come true‘ or ‘Apply this manifestation technique and make your life your dream‘ constantly trending.

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Anna Gionet from Shane Co. reports that, as of 2022, 52% of Americans believe in the power of manifestation, with GenZ and the younger generations being particularly gripped by the notion. So, what´s it all about?

Manifestation is rooted in the idea of using thoughts, beliefs, and actions to attract and achieve your goals and desires. In this article, we´ll take look at the different forms of manifestation, how they work, and how they apply in the context of professional success. Whether you´re an entrepreneur, manager, or someone who simply wants to achieve their professional goals, manifestation can be a powerful tool that helps you unlock your potential and give life to your dreams.

Of course, many of the videos you find on the subject on social media are overhyped clickbait and have little to do with the practice of manifesting. So let´s dive a little deeper to get a fuller understanding of what it´s really about.


Understanding manifestation

Manifestation is, in fact, not a new concept at all; it´s also been known as New Thought, the Law of Attraction (LoA), or simply Positive Thinking. Authors like Napoleon Hill, Rhonda Byrne and Louise Hay wrote best-selling books on the subject, such as “Think and Grow Rich”, “The Secret” and “You Can Heal Your Life”. Despite its different guises, the core principle remains the same:

Our thoughts and beliefs have the power to create our reality.

By harnessing the power of our mind, we can direct our thoughts, emotions, and actions to attract what we want.

Law of Attraction (LoA)

Most people are familiar with the concept of Law of Attraction as the universal principle of like attracts like; that is to say, if we change something within ourselves, this change will eventually and necessarily be reflected in the outside world.

This means that our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have the power to influence our reality and attract corresponding experiences into our lives. By harnessing the power of the LoA (aka manifestation), we align our thoughts, intentions, and actions to create a solid foundation for success, attracting the right circumstances and opportunities to support our growth.

Is manifestation magic?

So, is this pure hokum or does it have a base in reality? Well, let´s be clear: manifestation is not a magic recipe for instant results. Without putting in the actual work, manifestation won´t manifest you much! Think of it more as an energy that – when infused with your daily efforts and planning – creates inspired action with the power to bring you much closer to the results you´re seeking.

For example, you will not become the perfect leader for your people overnight just by manifesting yourself. It takes more: the belief and positive energy that you can do it, and the hard work. Business coaching can provide additional support in the process of achieving your goals.

It´s useful to know what manifestation is and is not; being aware of the misconceptions surrounding LoA means you´re less likely to be fooled by “experts” on social media who claim to have unlocked the power of LoA but whose success comes from scamming people.


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What is and is not manifestation

This is manifestation:

  • The process of attracting desired results into one’s life through the power of thought, belief, and action. ✔ This involves aligning your mindset and energy with your goals to create a reality that matches your intentions.
  • Techniques such as positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, and journaling. ✔ These practices help individuals focus their attention, clarify their goals, and develop a strong belief system that supports their success.
  • It’s not a magical or instant solution. ✔ Manifestation requires consistent effort, dedication, and a positive mindset. It is a proactive approach that empowers individuals to take inspired action towards their goals and make the necessary changes to align their reality with their desires.

This is not Manifestation:

  • Wishful thinking or relying solely on the power of intention. ⚡ While intentions are important, manifestation requires individuals to take conscious action toward their goals and actively participate in creating their desired results.
  • Guarantee of immediate or effortless results. ⚡ Manifestation is not about simply visualizing success and waiting for it to manifest without any effort. It requires consistent effort, hard work, and resilience to overcome obstacles and achieve desired results.
  • Controlling or manipulating external circumstances or other people. ⚡ Manifesting means aligning your thoughts, beliefs and actions with your goals and allowing the world around you to respond.

By understanding what manifestation truly is and debunking common misconceptions, individuals can effectively use manifestation techniques to manifest their desires and improve their lives.

Manifestation techniques

To successfully manifest it´s useful to apply various techniques and find which method(s) work best for you – everyone has their own unique approach. Some popular methods include:

  • positive thinking
  • visualization
  • affirmations
  • journaling
  1. The Power of Positive Thinking: Positive thinking is an essential aspect of manifestation. By maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on what you want to achieve, you attract positive results and opportunities. Positive thoughts create positive energy, which can significantly influence your actions and the results you experience.
  2. Visualizing Your Success: Visualization is a powerful technique that involves creating vivid mental images of your desired results. By visualizing yourself having already achieved your goals, you activate your subconscious mind and align your actions with your visions. This practice enhances motivation, confidence, and belief in your ability to succeed.
  3. Affirmations and Belief Systems: Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce your beliefs and desires. By repeating affirmations daily, you reprogram your subconscious mind to align with your goals. These statements help to overcome self-doubt, instill confidence, and create a positive belief system that supports your success.
  4. The Manifestation Journal: A manifestation journal is a tool that allows you to document your goals, intentions, and progress. By writing down your aspirations, you clarify your desires and strengthen your commitment to achieving them. Journaling also provides a platform for self-reflection and helps to identify any limiting beliefs or obstacles that may be hindering your progress.

When used together, these techniques work synergistically to amplify the manifestation process and help individuals connect with their desires on a deeper level.


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Affirmations and success

Affirmations reinforce your beliefs and desires. By repeating them daily, you are programming your subconscious more and more to achieve your personal goal. Examples of affirmations for more success at work could be:

  1. I am very good at what I do.
  2. I believe in myself and my business ideas.
  3. I believe in my goals.
  4. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  5. I can overcome any challenge.

Manifestation Success Affirmation Method

Can manifestation make the difference to business success?

Businesspeople are some of the biggest users of manifestation techniques; by nature, they tend to be ambitious, as well as having the capacity to think big. Manifestation can bring significant benefits to individuals and organizations, here are 10 ways in which it can positively impact your company:

1. Set clear and specific goals: By visualizing and reinforcing these goals, managers can create a goal-oriented and purposeful attitude in their employees. After all, clear goals provide direction and serve as signposts to success.

2. Cultivate a positive mindset and belief system: By adopting a positive mindset, individuals can overcome limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears that may hinder their progress.

3. Visualize success: Visualization is a powerful manifestation technique that involves vividly imagining the achievement of desired business results. This practice helps individuals create a clear mental picture of their success, increasing motivation and focus.

4. Align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your business goals: By taking deliberate and inspired action, individuals can move closer to their desired outcomes. This also improves decision-making as individuals tap into their intuition and make decisions that support long-term success.

5. Attract opportunities: Develop a heightened awareness of opportunities that align with their goals. By maintaining a positive and open mindset, individuals can attract favorable circumstances and connections that support their business success.

6. Build confidence: The manifestation process instills confidence in individuals as they see their goals manifest into reality. This increased confidence drives motivation, productivity, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

7. Build relationships: Manifesting emphasizes the importance of positive energy and relationships. By cultivating positive connections and collaborations, individuals can create a supportive network that amplifies their business success.

8. Motivation and focus: By consistently visualizing and affirming success, individuals remain inspired and committed to their goals. By staying focused on their goals, individuals can maintain motivation and resilience in the face of challenges or setbacks.

9. Overcoming challenges: Manifestation techniques can help businesses and individuals overcome challenges and obstacles. Plus, it promotes resilience and a growth mindset.

10. Feeling good: Often people get so caught up in their visualization techniques or positive affirmations that they forget the most important part of manifestation: feeling good! The whole point of achieving our goals is to feel good, so it´s vital we permit ourselves to feel good before our goals become manifest. And a good-feeling team, as we know, works harder and more effectively.

Start manifesting your success!

Manifestation is a powerful tool that can transform your business and personal life. By properly understanding the principle and consistently applying the various manifestation techniques you can unlock your potential and attract greater success.

Remember that manifestation requires continuous practice and belief in the process. Harness the power of your thoughts, visualize your success, and feel inspired to achieve the results you want. By letting manifestation guide you, while working hard to realize your dreams, you hold the key to opening up a world of possibilities and creating the future you desire.

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