Modernise your Learning Strategy with Laura Overton

Just a few days left before our joint expert webinar with Laura Overton of Towards Maturity! In “Modernising Learning – how to stay ahead of the game”, we’ll show you some practical tips for improving your learning strategy and making a real impact on the bottom line. Over 150 learning professionals from around the world have already registered, so hurry up and save your seat before we book out!

What do the top performing learning organisations do differently in their L&D strategy? Discover ideas, techniques and insights that will help you accelerate L&D for your workforce and stay on the cutting edge.

Drawing on independent research with 3,500 L&D leaders from over 40 countries, the Towards Maturity Benchmark helps organisations looking to accelerate their performance through the application of learning innovation. Join this free webinar session to discover the secrets of top performing teams, find out how you can compare your progress with others, flag areas for ongoing improvement and access targeted resources to help you, and your stakeholders, take the next steps on your journey to success.

Laura Overton

Laura Overton

Laura Overton has over 2 decades of experience helping organisations to improve the business impact of learning technologies in the workplace. She is the Managing Director of Towards Maturity – a not for profit organisation that provides research and online resources to help organisations deliver effective learning intervention at work. Follow Laura on Twitter: @lauraoverton

Armin Hopp

Armin Hopp is the Founder and President of Speexx. He is a regular speaker at international talent management conventions and contributes to leading L&D blogs and journals around the globe. He was recently voted the #5 most influential person in the European e-learning industry. Follow Armin on Twitter: @speexxtweets

  • Discover how you can transform learning to accelerate business performance as a whole.
  • Meet professionals from all over the world and let our speakers engage you in interesting conversations about current HR and L&D issues.
  • Use a proven framework and compare your organisation’s results with top performers

About Speexx Exchange

Each year since 2011, just before Christmas on the eve of Online Educa we bring together HR and L&D experts from all over the world to take an in-depth reality check of e-learning and talent management. No future talk, just real hard facts. Sign up now and meet industry leaders, talk about best practice for global e-learning strategies and get the latest results from Europe’s leading talent management research. You will return to work with brand-new insights and practical HR and L&D solutions for delivering real results.