“The Major Driver for the Rise of the Virtual Team Is Technology”

Interview with Speexx Founder & President, Armin Hopp

Organisations are engaged in a constant race for talent. 92% of companies surveyed by Deloitte in 2016 believe that it is “very important” or “important” to re-design the organisation, while only 38% of all companies and 24% of large companies are functionally organised today. This means that companies need to step up and bring more to the table if they want to attract and retain the best staff. Flexible working hours and opportunities for global development are just two of the complex factors which come into play in the modern workplace model.

In this first interview with theHRDIRECTOR, Armin Hopp talks about the appeal of virtual teams for businesses, giving practical tips regarding the steps that HR professionals can take in order to support virtual teams and overcome the challenges brought forward.

See the complete video here.

Optimising Hierarchical Structures

Modernising the team-based model has become a necessity which brings multiple benefits including increased productivity, creativity, knowledge sharing, and flexibility, improved employee satisfaction, and a closer match between available talent and organisational needs.

“When talking to our customers, we see that when optimizing the team based model into a virtual model, they see increased customer satisfaction, increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and many different benefits that they would not have if they would not be using cloud-based technology to foster virtual teams.”

Driving Digital Transformation

What is the main driver for the rise of virtual teams and how can HR and L&D professionals contribute to this strategic change in their organisation?

“The major driver for the rise of the virtual team is technology, cloud-based technology that now enables us to bring together teams and make them collaborate through time zones, through different locations as one team and I believe that HR and L&D have to play a key role in supporting and developing virtual teams through training, through development, and communication.”

Download our most recent White Paper to find out more about The Rise of the International Team.

Visit our YouTube channel for more interviews about Building skills to support organisational strategy, Measuring ROI of Employee Development and Hiring vs. Educating Your Talent.