Every year on September 26th, the European Day of Languages is celebrated. But what is it all about? Is it just another date on the calendar or is there more to it?

European Day of Languages 2023

The European Day of Languages (EDL) was first organized on the initiative of the Council of Europe in 2001, on the occasion of the European Year of Languages. Following its great success, the Committee of Ministers decided to make the European Day of Languages an annual event, and since then it has been celebrated every year on 26 September – this year it is the 22nd European Day of Languages!

In this article, we take a closer look at this special day, the many benefits of multilingualism and how it can be promoted in companies.

Table Of Contents

What is the European Day of Languages?

Millions of people in the Council of Europe member states and beyond take part in numerous events on this day. At the heart of the celebrations are, of course, languages, or more precisely, multilingualism. It is a day to celebrate and pay tribute to Europe’s rich variety of languages. The day is meant to encourage people to discover new languages, to recognize and promote the importance of linguistic diversity in Europe, and to deepen intercultural understanding.

But why celebrate languages? The answer lies in the many benefits that multilingualism brings to companies, employees and society – regardless of age: in today’s business world, the importance of multilingualism (in companies) cannot be overstated. The European Day of Languages reminds us that language not only builds cultural bridges, but also brings economic benefits.

But what is “language”?

A Brief History of Human Communication

There are more than 7100 languages in the world – an impressive number! More than 230 languages are spoken in Europe alone, and there are in excess of 2000 across Asia. According to SwissTranslate, the five most spoken native languages in the world are:

  1. Chinese
  2. Spanish
  3. English
  4. Hindi
  5. Arabic

Although many languages may seem to have little to do with each other, there are amazing connections between them because languages influence each other and merge over time, sometimes even creating entirely new languages. Many languages are related, whether through direct influences and shared words, such as Spanish and Portuguese, or through indirect historical influences, such as French and Chinese during the colonial period.

But how did human language evolve? This is closely related to human evolution. The ability to speak evolved from the ability to imitate – so communication did not have to be reinvented in each generation; this evolution was accompanied by cerebral developments such as improved mimicking and motor skills.

According to BMC, language in its present sense has been spoken by humans for a maximum of 125,000 to 40,000 years. However, a precursor language must have existed earlier, as evidenced by fossil finds and reconstructions of Stone Age daily life. Homo erectus probably developed the first independent language, and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis used and developed it. The emergence of language enabled the exchange of information, fostered social skills, and paved the way for trade. According to DW, the world’s oldest languages still spoken today include Tamil (5,000 years old), Chinese (3,300 years old), and Hebrew and Arabic (3,000 years old).

Below, we take a closer look at how multilingualism among employees can be a key competitive advantage for companies.


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Why Multilingualism Gives Companies a Competitive Edge

In a workplace characterized by constant networking and international collaboration, corporate multilingualism unleashes an impressive array of competitive advantages – let’s take a closer look at some of them:

Multilingualism Leads to Business Growth

  1. New markets: A study by Common Sense Advisory shows that 72.4% of consumers are more likely to buy products with product information in their native language. Multilingual employees play a key role in overcoming local language barriers: They enable companies to offer products and services tailored to the preferences of new target markets, thereby increasing customer reach.
  2. International projects: Multilingual employees play a crucial role in international projects by reducing the risk of (linguistic) misunderstandings. Their ability to communicate clearly and concisely helps ensure that trends are identified quickly, projects run smoothly and are completed faster.
  3. Strong relationships: Effective communication is the foundation of successful relationships: A multilingual workforce helps improve external collaboration and forge closer ties with international partners, customers and clients.
  4. Cultural insights: Multilingual employees help companies better understand cultural nuances, habits and preferences. This cultural intelligence allows products, services and marketing strategies to be better adapted to new target markets.
  5. Revenue growth: several studies have shown a positive correlation between multilingualism and revenue growth: according to a Harvard Business Review study,companies that invest in language skills can achieve an average of 2.5% higher growth than their competitors.


Multilingualism Enhances Internal Productivity

  1. Problem solving and creativity: Multilingual people tend to have better cognitive skills, such as better problem solving and creativity. Companies can benefit from broader perspectives, innovative thinking and higher efficiency.
  2. Flexibility and agility: Multilingual employees are able to adapt quickly to new situations. Their language skills allow them to quickly reorient themselves, which is a great advantage in international cooperation, negotiations and problem solving.
  3. Employer branding: Companies that invest in the (language) training of their employees signal their commitment to their personal and professional development. This investment not only increases employee satisfaction and retention, but also makes it easier to find talent.

All in all, it is clear that corporate multilingualism is not just a nice to have, but a strategic competitive advantage that contributes significantly to sustainable success in a networked economy. Read this article to learn more about the benefits of multilingualism: https://www.speexx.com/speexx-blog/roi-multilingual-employees/

Europäischer Tag der Sprachen Mehrsprachige Belegschaft


Speexx – the Solution for Effective Language Learning

Having highlighted the importance of multilingualism in a business context and the benefits it brings, the question arises: how can companies ensure that their employees develop and improve the right language skills? That’s where Speexx comes in.

Why choose a digital language learning provider?

In an age where many people work remotely, and flexibility is imperative, choosing a digital language learning provider is a smart decision. Instead of making exhausting trips to local language schools, digital language learning programs allow you to learn from the comfort of your desk – or maybe even your sofa at home. Digital language learning programs like Speexx are not only location independent, but also time independent: You can improve your language skills anytime, anywhere, whether it’s 6 a.m. or 3 a.m.

How Speexx helps companies become multilingual

What does customized and effective language training with Speexx look like? We’ll show you. In a nutshell:

  • Personal goals & efficient placement test: The learning process at Speexx begins with a detailed needs assessment, where common goals and learning areas are identified. With the help of state-of-the-art AI, coaches, and content are precisely matched to the learner’s individual needs. Users then take a short placement test: This is based on the CEFR and is fully integrated with the customer’s LMS, LXP, ATS or recruitment system.
  • Personalized learning paths & active coaching: Speexx combines personal coaching with artificial intelligence: the platform uses intelligent algorithms and AI to deliver learning content tailored to the learner’s interests and needs; exercises and activities from over 30,000 pieces of content are delivered at the optimal time thanks to AI. Personal coaches guide the learning process, correct written work, suggest exercises, and provide feedback.
  • Virtual classrooms and 1:1 sessions: Digital language training in group lessons with over 500 exciting topics per week allows learners to learn together with coaches and participants from all over the world. In addition, 1:1 sessions with personal coaches offer the opportunity to address individual development goals, especially for topics such as presentations, job interviews or video conferencing.
  • GER Certificate & Measurable Results: For each completed CEFR level, Speexx issues a certificate confirming the milestone achieved. All learning results and the current learning status can be viewed by trainers and training managers through the integration of Speexx into the customer’s LMS or LXP – in accordance with the customer’s data protection regulations. Coaches and learners can track individual learning progress directly in the Speexx application.
  • Perfectly integrated: The integration of Speexx into the customer’s PE processes, LMS systems and other platforms is made easy by experienced solution architects and customer success managers. Speexx Manager provides HR and Training with clear recommendations for student and budget allocation, as well as meaningful graphs on system usage and key KPIs.

Why Language Diversity Will Become Even More Critical in the Future

In a digital and globalized world, workforce requirements are changing rapidly: as companies go global, expand beyond traditional geographic boundaries, and borders blur, multilingualism becomes an invaluable asset.

Even for companies that operate regionally, multilingualism can be an advantage in communicating more effectively with different populations and customers. At a time when the world of work is becoming increasingly decentralized and many people work remotely, languages act as a bridge between different cultures and people.

European Day of Languages – Are You Ready?

The European Day of Languages is an excellent opportunity to promote and strengthen multilingualism in companies by offering even more training programs to advance multilingualism.

A language learning platform like Speexx, which covers a wide range of EU languages including Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish, makes it easier than ever to improve employees’ language skills.

Perhaps the European Day of Languages is the perfect opportunity for you to promote multilingualism in your company and support cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue?

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