Fresh Awards 2015 from China and Spain

Good stuff, our list of international awards just received two shiny new members – from China and Spain!

Brand of the Year

Brand of the year China
First up was China’s ‘Brand of the Year Award’ which is run by Training Magazine each year. Over 300 organizations submitted projects, out of which 83 were shortlisted for the ‘Brand of the Year’ award. Speexx made it to the final round and secured the award in the ‘Corporate Training’ category. The award ceremony took place in Shanghai in October.

Jun Zheng, Managing Director of Speexx China, commented: “We’re extremely grateful for this award. Blended learning in China is still in its early stages, and the corporate training industry is increasingly focussing on content. Many platform providers are committed to delivering a better overall training experience through innovative learning models. With the support of Training Magazine’s platform, Speexx will continue to deliver the most advanced ideas in the market, as well as efficient project management processes which are fully integrated into enterprise training services. On behalf of Speexx, I would like to thank Training Magazine China for this fantastic award.”

Excellence in E-Learning Award

Apel Award
 Then last week, we secured APel’s Excellence in E-Learning Award for the “Most innovative learning solution” category. Each year, the Association of E-Learning Providers (APel) rewards high quality e-learning solutions with its Excellence in E-Learning Award. This year’s winners were announced during the National E-learning Congress in Madrid, Spain.

Elena Giménez, Managing Director of Speexx Spain, said: “We’re very proud to have won this award! It shows that APel is confident in our ability to continue delivering innovative online language training for large organizations worldwide. Our goal is to keep setting the standard for cutting-edge solutions which combine a self-paced learning method with personalized coaching as well as live training via virtual classroom, telephone or face-to-face training.”

Give Speexx a try and see our award-winning solution.