Tag: language learning solution

Nov 23rd, 2020

Five Must-Have’s For Innovative Language Training

Sarah Voigt

Innovative language training doesn't have to be complicated. With Speexx, your learners have the ability to develop and maintain their professional language communication skills in a modern and flexible way without ever leaving the platform.

Five Must-Have’s For Innovative Language TrainingSarah Voigt
Sep 2nd, 2020

Product News: Add Certification to LinkedIn Profile

Jennifer Hubauer

Learning new skills takes time and hard work, which is a struggle for many of us. However, if 2020 taught us one thing about our jobs and careers, it’s that an investment in a new skill may be beneficial for professional growth, but even more invaluable during a crisis.

Product News: Add Certification to LinkedIn ProfileJennifer Hubauer
Aug 21st, 2020

Why language skills are critical in the new digital normal

Sarah Voigt

With much of the world working, learning and socializing remotely, it makes sense that people and organizations are doubling down on improving tech skills.

Why language skills are critical in the new digital normalSarah Voigt
Sep 11th, 2018

How Language Training Programs Use Microlearning to Increase Memory Retention

Armin Hopp

For many Learning and Development (L&D) professionals, it can be difficult to encourage employees to really commit to training programs. This is especially true when it comes to language training programs and the modern learner.

How Language Training Programs Use Microlearning to Increase Memory RetentionArmin Hopp
Jul 18th, 2018

Smart Language Learning in China

Jennifer Hubauer

The Future of Smart Language Learning in China As the Chinese Economy continues to grow, so does the need for online corporate learning solutions in China. In 2015, China Daily reported that nearly half of non-multinational companies in China said they used English [...]

Smart Language Learning in ChinaJennifer Hubauer
Dec 7th, 2017

What Are the Most Powerful Languages for Business?

Andreas Urban

Why business language matters - Before moving into new markets, L&D needs to consider whether their staff are equipped to deal with a new set of languages and cultural norms. Modern cities aren’t mono- or even bilingual anymore.

What Are the Most Powerful Languages for Business?Andreas Urban
Oct 13th, 2017

What Languages Are Your Customers Speaking?

Lucia Alexandra Scurei

As monolingual speakers become the minority and powerful languages, such as Mandarin, Spanish and Arabic take on economic capital, multilingualism within your workforce is becoming a necessity, rather than an option. Do you know what languages your prospective customers are speaking?

What Languages Are Your Customers Speaking?Lucia Alexandra Scurei
Jun 7th, 2016

How to Prioritise on Your Corporate Communication Skills

Armin Hopp

Almost all organisations (98%) who participated in the 4th Annual Speexx Exchange survey in December 2015 agreed that good communications are ‘very important’ or ‘important’ for the success of their business. Almost a quarter (24%) thought intercultural differences had a negative impact, while 21% cited lack of foreign language skills among employees.

How to Prioritise on Your Corporate Communication SkillsArmin Hopp
May 5th, 2014

A Look at EU Politics and Foreign Language Skills

Elena Giménez Álvarez

A Look at EU Politics and Foreign Language Skills With the European elections around the corner, it’s time to take a closer look at our politicians’ communication and foreign language skills. In fact, their conversations in a foreign language always manage to spark [...]

A Look at EU Politics and Foreign Language SkillsElena Giménez Álvarez