Ted Lasso, the popular and critically acclaimed Apple TV+ series, follows the story of an American football coach, played by Jason Sudeikis, who is hired to manage an English Premier League soccer team. The show has captured the hearts of audiences around the world with its humor, warmth, and powerful lessons on leadership.

In the following, we will take a close look at the show’s protagonists’ philosophy (borrowing a few quotes by the man himself), analyze why Ted Lasso is the ultimate leader and how HR and L&D professionals can learn from his unique leadership style.

Ted Lasso leader


Ted Lasso’s Leadership Qualities

Ted Lasso’s leadership qualities are every HR experts dream as they tick every box of what an ideal manager should bring to the table. They can be sorted into these five categories:

1. Empathy and understanding

One of Ted Lasso’s most valuable leadership qualities is his ability to empathize with others. He genuinely cares about the well-being of his players, fellow coaches, and team staff, and consistently demonstrates understanding and compassion.

2. Optimism and positivity

Ted Lasso is known for his relentless optimism and positive attitude. He faces challenges and setbacks with a smile, and his unwavering belief in his team’s abilities inspires those around him to be their best.

"You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It's a goldfish. Y'know why? It's got a 10-second memory. Be a goldfish."

Ted Lasso

3. Humility and vulnerability

Ted Lasso is not afraid to admit when he doesn’t know something or when he’s made a mistake. His humility and vulnerability create an environment in which others feel comfortable opening up and sharing their thoughts and feelings.

"I shouldn't bring an umbrella to a brainstorm."

4. Ted Lasso on Adaptability and resilience

Despite being an outsider in a new country and unfamiliar sport, Ted Lasso demonstrates remarkable adaptability and resilience. He is always willing to learn and grow, and he encourages his team to embrace change and overcome adversity.

5. Strong communication and active listening

Ted Lasso is an exceptional communicator who actively listens to those around him. He values input from his team members and ensures everyone has a voice in decision-making processes.

"Boy, I love meeting people's moms. It's like reading an instruction manual as to why they're nuts."


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Practical Lessons from Ted Lasso for HR and L&D

You might be wondering now how you are supposed to implement the leadership qualities from a fictional character into your very real work environment. Here are some practical tips for you:

1. Foster a positive work environment

Creating a workplace culture that prioritizes positivity and support can boost employee morale and productivity. HR and L&D professionals can learn from Ted Lasso’s example by encouraging a positive outlook, celebrating successes, and promoting a team-first mentality.

"You beating yourself up is like Woody Allen playing the clarinet. I don't wanna hear it. All right?"

2. Emphasize empathy in leadership

Empathetic leaders like Ted Lasso create strong connections with their team members, leading to increased trust and engagement. HR and L&D professionals can prioritize empathy in leadership training and development programs, using Ted Lasso as a model.

3. Build strong relationships with team members

Ted Lasso’s success as a leader is due in part to the strong relationships he builds with his team members. HR and L&D professionals can encourage relationship-building by facilitating team-building exercises, promoting open communication, and providing opportunities for socialization.

4. Cultivate a culture of adaptability and resilience

In today’s fast-paced world, adaptability and resilience are crucial for success. HR and L&D professionals can learn from Ted Lasso’s example by promoting a growth mindset, encouraging employees to embrace change, and providing resources to help them overcome challenges.


"Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong."

5. Encourage professional growth and development

Ted Lasso is always seeking ways to improve himself and his team. HR and L&D professionals can help employees reach their full potential by providing opportunities for growth and development, such as training programs, mentorship, and regular feedback.

We all know speed is important. But being able to stop and change directions quickly? Well, that's like Kanye's 808s & Heartbreak. It don't get nearly enough credit.

Ted Lasso

A fictional character, very real leadership lessons

Ted Lasso’s leadership qualities have made him not only a beloved character on the screen but also an inspiration for HR and L&D professionals. By following his example of empathy, optimism, humility, adaptability, and strong communication, we can create work environments that foster growth, engagement, and success.

Of course, we are talking about the protagonist of a comedy tv show, but as Ted Lasso himself quotes Walt Whitman, “Be curious, not judgmental.

Let’s embrace our curiosity and learn from the (fictional but still very inspiring) leadership grandmaster, Ted Lasso, to become better leaders ourselves.

Speexx business coaching can help you become a grandmaster leader like Ted Lasso.
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