The Art of Leading Quietly: Tips for Introverted Leaders

Leadership is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth, but it can often be challenging, especially for introverts.

 Leadership for introverts.

But consider this list for a moment: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Marissa Mayer, Mark Zuckerberg…all of these are introverted leaders who reached the peak of their fields. So, with so many luminaries who count themselves among the legion of quiet leaders, it begs the question: have we misunderstood what it means to be both an introvert and a leader?

Introversion is not shyness

Introversion is often confused with shyness, but it is important to understand that they are different concepts. Introversion refers to the tendency of an individual to recharge their batteries through solitude and introspection, while shyness is the fear of social situations.

Here we will provide practical tips for introverts who aspire to become leaders and want to maximize their potential. The purpose of this post is to help introverts understand their strengths and weaknesses and develop the skills necessary to succeed as leaders. By embracing their individuality and leveraging their unique traits, introverts can –and do – lead effectively and enjoy the journey.

Introvert vs. extrovert – who is the better leader?

A Forbes article from 2022 reveals that a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology challenged the belief that introverts are at a disadvantage compared to extroverts in being viewed as leaders.

The study found that communication, not extroversion, is the most important factor in leadership perceptions. The researchers split over 400 university students into groups and evaluated their leadership potential based on their communication skills during a group decision making task. The results showed that introverts and extroverts had similar communication skills in the group setting, and that communication was the key factor driving perceptions of leadership potential. The study’s authors emphasize that the findings are about who is perceived as a leader, not who is an effective leader. Communication skills can be learned and improved, making it possible for anyone to be perceived as leadership material.

“For years, introverts have read and been told they’re at a disadvantage compared to extroverts in terms of being viewed as leaders and being promoted into leadership roles,” says James Lemoine, Associate Professor of Organization and Human Resources at the University at Buffalo School of Management and co-author of the study.

“This was troublesome because extroversion is not something that can be taught; it’s a stable personality difference. But our research shows that it’s communication skill, not extroversion, that is the important driver of leadership perceptions. That’s important because communication skills can be learned, which means anyone can develop their communication skills to enhance their chances of being viewed as leadership material by others.”

 Leadership for introverts.

As confirmed in a Harvard Business School article, both types of leaders  — extraverts as well as introverts– can be equally successful or ineffectual, but with different groups of employees.

New research by HBS associate professor Francesca Gino, who conducted a study with professors Adam M. Grant of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and David A. Hofmann of UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, highlights the importance of having introverted leaders. However, introverts are known to have difficulties advancing in their careers and reaching leadership positions, especially in environments where they work with extraverted colleagues who tend to promote themselves and fit the conventional leadership stereotype.

“Many people associate extraversion with action, assertiveness and dominance—characteristics that people believe to be necessary to be effective leaders,” Gino says. “The features that define extraversion are commonly the features people associate with leadership.”

Understanding the characteristics of introverts as leaders

Introversion plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s leadership style and approach. Understanding the key traits of introverted leaders can help them embrace their strengths and develop strategies to overcome their weaknesses.

Here are some of the key characteristics of introverted leaders:

1. Introspection: Introverted leaders are often introspective and reflective, which allows them to understand their own thoughts and feelings. This helps them make well-informed decisions and stay focused on their goals.

2. Good listeners: Introverted leaders are excellent listeners, which allows them to understand their team’s perspectives and build strong relationships with their colleagues.

3. Thoughtful and cautious: Introverted leaders are often thoughtful and cautious in their approach, which helps them make well-informed decisions and avoid rash or impulsive actions.

4. Independent: Introverted leaders are often independent and prefer to work alone, which allows them to focus on their work and achieve their goals.

The Art of Leading Quietly: Leadership for introverts.

While these traits can be strengths for introverted leaders, they can also be weaknesses if not properly managed. For example, introverts may find it challenging to network and build relationships, which can impact their ability to lead effectively. It is essential for introverted leaders to understand their strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to overcome the challenges they face. By doing so, they can build confidence in their leadership abilities and effectively lead their team.

Developing leadership skills for introverts

Introverted leaders can benefit from developing their leadership skills in order to maximize their potential. Here are some strategies for developing leadership skills for introverts:

Improving Communication Skills: All leaders, including introverts, may struggle with communication, especially in large groups or high-pressure situations. Improving communication skills, such as public speaking and active listening, can help introverts communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships with their team.

Networking Strategies: Networking can be challenging for introverts, but it is essential for building relationships and advancing in their careers. Introverted leaders can benefit from developing strategies for networking that play to their strengths, such as attending smaller events or reaching out to individuals one-on-one.

Building Confidence: Confidence is crucial for effective leadership, and all leaders may struggle with self-doubt or impostor syndrome. Building confidence can be achieved through developing a growth mindset, setting achievable goals, and embracing a positive attitude.

Embracing Authenticity: Introverted leaders can benefit from embracing their authenticity in their leadership style. This means being true to themselves and not trying to conform to society’s expectations of a leader. By embracing their unique traits, introverted leaders can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to their team.

It’s important for introverted leaders to understand that their strengths are just as valuable as those of extroverted leaders. By embracing their individuality and developing their leadership skills, introverted leaders can lead with confidence and impact.

The Art of Leading Quietly: Leadership for introverts.

Overcoming challenges faced by introverted leaders

Being a leader can be challenging for anyone, and introverted leaders face specific challenges that can impact their ability to lead effectively.

Here are some strategies for overcoming the challenges faced by introverted leaders:

Dealing with workplace dynamics: Introverted leaders may struggle with workplace dynamics, such as working in a highly extroverted team, feeling overstimulated by large groups and multiple meetings, or leading in a fast-paced environment. To overcome these challenges, introverts can develop strategies for effectively communicating their ideas, seeking support from mentors and peers, and finding ways to recharge after social interactions.

Balancing personal and professional life: Introverted leaders may find it challenging to balance their personal and professional life, especially if they work in a high-pressure environment. To overcome this challenge, introverts can set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and seek support from friends and family.

Finding support from mentors and peers: Introverted leaders can benefit from finding support from mentors and peers who understand their unique challenges and can provide guidance and encouragement. Building a network of like-minded individuals can provide introverted leaders with a supportive community, opportunities for professional development, and a sounding board for their ideas.

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How digital business coaching solutions can help introverts shine as leaders

In today’s fast-paced and increasingly digital world, introverted leaders can benefit from digital business coaching solutions to help them shine as leaders. One such solution is Speexx, which provides personalized coaching and support for leaders looking to improve their skills and reach their potential. Speexx offers a range of coaching services specifically designed for introverted leaders, including:

Communication Skills Training: Introverted leaders can benefit from communication skills training to help them effectively communicate with their team and build stronger relationships. Speexx offers training in areas such as public speaking, active listening, and interpersonal communication. 

Personal Development: Personal development is an important path for all leaders, including introverts. Speexx offers a range of personal development programs, including goal setting, confidence-building, and self-care. 

Mentorship and Networking: Introverted leaders can benefit from mentorship and networking opportunities to find support and build relationships with like-minded individuals. Speexx offers mentorship programs and networking events to help introverted leaders connect with others and build their professional network.

Embrace the power of introversion

Introverts can be successful leaders and make a positive impact on their team by embracing their individuality and developing their leadership skills. By understanding the characteristics of introverted leaders and the strategies for developing their skills, introverts can overcome the challenges they face and lead with confidence.

Introverts bring unique strengths to the table, such as introspection, strong listening skills, and the ability to make well-informed decisions. By embracing these strengths and developing their leadership skills, introverted leaders can achieve their goals and lead their team to success.

Remember that leadership is not about conforming to society’s expectations or trying to be someone you’re not. It’s about being true to yourself and leveraging your unique traits to make a positive impact. So, embrace your individuality, develop your leadership skills, and lead with confidence!


Mark Travers, Forbes: New Research Challenges The Notion That Extroverts Are Naturally Better In Leadership Positions
Carmen Nobel, Harvard Business School: Introverts: The Best Leaders for Proactive Employees