Neurowissenschaften in der Digitalen Transformation


The Greatest Challenge for HR?
Mental Health in the Workplace

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Inside this e-book

  • Introduction

  • Versatile Workspaces

  • Micromanagement

  • Soft Skill-Training

  • Training for Managers

  • Take Care of Yourself!

die psychische Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz als Ausschnitt in Smartphone

Poor mental health comes at great cost

Did you know that poor mental health and work-related stress account for more than half of absenteeism at work today? In the UK alone, 15.4 million working days were lost last year due to illnesses related to poor mental health and discomfort. More and more people are taking “sick leave” days to look after their mental well-being (as opposed to days off to treat physical illness or injury), resulting in up to $ 1 billion in lost productivity for the global economy.

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