Speexx Product Updates Q3 2022

Hello again!
We can’t wait to tell you what we’ve been roasting over the summer for you.


Trust is good, (cyber) control is better

At Speexx, we put our best efforts towards providing you with the smartest cyber security possible. The growing sophistication of cyber-attacks has led us to increase our security measures for you to have more restful nights.

Eat this, hacker!

Small change – big impact: We have tightened up passwords security for all Speexx applications.

GDPR for all

Speexx has applied GDPR’s broader protection standards to all users. As of now, not only all user data is hosted in the EU (not the news) – now data is also managed from our sub-providers that are entirely hosted in the EU under GDPR protection.

Polished policies

We’ve Marie Kondo’d our policies to create more clarity. The user portal now has its own privacy policy hosted in the portal.speexx.com domain and available in the footer of each portal page. If you love to read, be our guest:
Privacy Policy
Cookie Policy
Terms & Conditions


Get your users speaking

Good news! We now offer our customized online workshops on your company-specific topics in all these languages: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.

Impressive, right? For more information, please get in touch with your dedicated Customer Success Manager.

The Skills Lab – training and custom topics combined

Our Skills Lab is designed to empower your people’s writing and video skills – probably nothing new to you, right? But did you know that your users can now pick preferred topics for their video and writing assignments? And what’s more, that Speexx could integrate your company-specific topics right in the middle of the learning process?

Skills Lab now offers:

  • Personalized feedback on writing and video assignments
  • Over 100 topics
  • Integration of company-specific topics
  • Full access for all Speexx Expert and Expert Pro users.

For more information, please get in touch with your dedicated Customer Success Manager.

We want to hear from you!

Interested in the new updates? How about a quick demo of these awesome new features? We’d love you to tell us what you’d like to see from us next! Just leave us your phone number or email and your Customer Success Manager will reach out to you.

You want to know what we did in Q2 2022?

Speexx is all about innovation. We deliver solutions that help users around the world communicate better. Click here to see our releases in Q2 2022.