Customer Story | Healthcare and Pharma

Mérieux Successfully Launches Global Language Training Program With Speexx Platform

1,300 Premium Licenses
20+ Training Hours Per Learner
27% Of Group Employees Actively Use Speexx

Mérieux Université, the training arm of Institut Mérieux, enlisted Speexx’s help to launch a digital transformation with the aim of centralizing its language training. Speexx’s AI technology enabled Mérieux to align its training budgets and objectives with local needs to offer optimal value for learners and the organization. This approach has led to the establishment of a unique language training program for 20,000 employees across 48 countries, helping to strengthen employer branding and boost learner engagement. Mérieux Université is committed to advancing its employees’ communication skills by optimizing the use of licenses to achieve its strategic objectives.


In a world where organizations have had to quickly adopt digitization, Mérieux Université has seamlessly embraced digital learning solutions like Speexx to cater to the diverse needs and locations of its employees. In 2020, Institut Mérieux centralized its training budget at the corporate level.

Speexx’s AI-driven budget optimization technology played a crucial role in streamlining this process. By identifying local training needs and aligning budgets with skills requirements across the organization, Speexx ensured the highest value for learners, the company, and its budget.



In 2018, Mérieux Université issued a call for tenders to find a comprehensive solution encompassing self-paced language training, skills assessment, and virtual classes – all in a single offering.

Before this initiative, Institut Mérieux lacked a unified language training solution for its diverse entities and regions. Therefore, the goal was to introduce a fully digital training project, spanning all regions, with clear success metrics, and optimal budget allocation.

"Implementing Speexx has been a real pleasure: the platform is innovative, the content is adaptable, their user marketing strategy is cutting-edge, and their teams are very professional. This is everything we need to improve the digital learning experience at Institut Mérieux!"

Johanna Henry, Immersive & LMS Manager, Mérieux Univeristé


At Mérieux Université, users benefit from Speexx’s diverse and customized content including articles and videos from renowned partners such as Harvard Business Review which is tailored to their specific interests.

The university has actively nurtured learner engagement through effective employee campaigns led by its L&D team and Speexx’s Customer Success Management team, following a structured marketing and communications plan. This collaboration with Speexx has also proven to be a valuable asset for enhancing employer branding and retaining talent.


With Speexx, Mérieux Université has successfully rolled out a unique language training solution for all its regions and entities. Currently, Speexx is being used by 20,000 employees across 48 countries, offering an entirely digital learning solution. The platform also caters to specific learning needs, providing premium licenses for hundreds of users. This new digital training program is accessible to all employees, and the user-friendly Speexx Manager tool ensures efficient license management.

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Enhancing learner engagement and commitment is a strategic imperative for Mérieux Université. The team remains dedicated to bolstering communication through Speexx’s marketing tools, recognizing that effective communication is paramount, especially when addressing such a broad and extensive learner base.

The Speexx Manager analysis and tracking tool will monitor license usage globally and regionally, allowing for the reassignment of underutilized licenses and optimal allocation of the centralized training budget.

Healthcare and Pharma
10,000 - 100,000
Cornerstone OnDemand