Customer Story | Manufacturing and High-Tech

Gonvarri: A Digital Learning Success Story Since 2016

1,000 Activer Users
21% of Users Achieved Multiple Learning Levels
200 Employees with Premium Accounts

Speexx began collaborating with Gonvarri Industries in 2016, with the shift towards digital training later accelerating in response to the pandemic. This transition was driven by the necessity to reach all the company’s sites, including its subsidiary GRI Renewable Industries.


Gonvarri Industries is a leading company in the design, manufacture, and distribution of steel solutions, with headquarters in Madrid and a presence in over 20 countries. The company has more than 6,000 employees and focuses on the production and distribution of steel products.

The collaboration with Speexx has been key in Gonvarri’s digital transformation, enabling a more efficient and effective training program. This successful partnership has extended to include GRI Renewable Industries, with a specific focus on the renewable energy sector.

Integrating Speexx into Gonvarri’s LMS has been instrumental in maintaining the company’s market competitiveness and achieving its business goals. Speexx has proven to be a valuable partner for deploying digital training solutions company-wide: from headquarters to operational units.


Gonvarri Industries underwent a transformative training process prompted by the pandemic and the adoption of new technological tools. Their challenge was to provide language training across all company plants and departments, aligning with their international expansion efforts. To meet this goal, they sought a tailored learning model compatible with their ‘Academy’ training platform. This approach involved crafting customized training pathways in which Speexx was an integral component.

"Since we started developing our digital training plan, Speexx has been seamlessly integrated into the content plan offered, reinforcing our commitment to a hybrid learning system."

Juan Contreras, Training Manager, Gonvarri Industries


At present, Speexx is delivering premium training programs to approximately 200 employees from various companies within the Gonvarri Group. Furthermore, having introduced the Essentials program, employees can maintain contact with the language; there are currently around 1,000 employees using the system.

Speexx has also successfully integrated the Learning Management System (LMS) ‘Leading the Change’ into Gonvarri Group’s ‘Academy’ platform, which encompasses all training activities for the workforce. This integration has boosted the efficiency of the Speexx training program implementation and also significantly improved the learning process within the company.


The inclusion of Speexx within the ‘Academy’ training program has played a pivotal role in transitioning to a digital training model. This has facilitated language learning, not only within the company’s central services, but also across the whole organization. Moreover, the Speexx platform has been an instrumental part of international expansion efforts, offering language training from anywhere in the world.

Thanks to Speexx, 21% of users have progressed through more than one learning level.

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Looking forward, the vision for Gonvarri Group is to sustain growth across the whole organization, while continually improving results of the established objectives.

One of the primary challenges is fostering user engagement and nurturing a mature learning mindset to ensure employees are committed to their training journey. In the long term, the aim is for users to take ownership of their training process; we plan to implement various digital initiatives to support this endeavor.

Manufacturing and High-Tech
1,000 - 10,000