Masterclass Webinar – F2F to Digital LearningWalter Varani
  • F2F to Digital Learning

Masterclass Webinar

Dal Face to Face al Digital Learning Come adattarsi al cambiamento

Quali sono le principali sfide che i professionisti HR ed L&D devono affrontare nel passaggio dal F2F all’apprendimento digitale? E, più in generale, come superare la paura del cambiamento? Speexx supporta le organizzazioni globali in questo processo di transizione. Unisciti al nostro masterclass webinar e scopri come abbracciare e promuovere la Digital Transformation. Speexx is the new normal!

Giovedì 24 settembre

ore 15.00

Iscrivendoti riceverai la registrazione del webinar in anteprima!

I relatori

Giulia Beltrami

Giulia Beltrami

Giulia is our Director of Studies for Italy and Training Manager for Global, and has always worked in the training field. She joined Speexx Italy in 2010 and implemented the entire train the trainer system for coaches management in the Italian branch. Since 2020 she is part of the Global training management team, working closely in the support for Virtual classroom coaches and in the architecture of customized learning paths, helping many of the Speexx customers make a smooth transition to digital learning.

Achim is going to talk about F2F to Digital Learning - How to successfully adapt

Achim Brueckner

Achim is a Solution’s Architect and Senior Customer Success Manager for Speexx. Starting as a trainer at Speexx himself, Achim has been on all sides of the fence. Hence, he has wide expertise in the design of language training and assessment programs based on context analysis and implementation methods, integration of the Speexx continuous learning solutions into LMS, LXP, and HRMS, technical consulting, training, and coaching for global teams, as well as customer success process analysis and optimization.

Leggi Rimani informato su HR Trends e language tips sul blog di Speexx:

La rivoluzione dei dati e dell’AI in Lamborghini tra sfide e opportunità

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