Se sostenere un colloquio di lavoro è generalmente stressante, affrontarlo in inglese può diventare motivo di ulteriore tensione e insicurezza.

Se ci si auto certifica un livello di inglese alto e non si è in grado di sostenere una conversazione disinvolta, qualsiasi altra informazione riportata sul curriculum potrebbe perdere di valore.

Di solito, le domande che mettono angoscia in una English job interview sono:

  • Saprò capire le domande?
  • Capiranno le mie risposte?
  • E se non riesco a spiegare ciò che intendo dire?

Bisogna, quindi, prepararsi e cercare di sostenere questa potenziale opportunità lavorativa con tranquillità e sicurezza.

Regola fondamentale: Be positive, think positive and speak positively!…..and smile :)

disegno di un colloquio di lavoro in inglese con recruiter e intervistato

Ecco le domande più comuni che vengono fatte al colloquio:


1. Why did you apply for this job? (Perché ha fatto domanda per questo lavoro?)

  • I want to take on more responsibility…
  • I applied for this position because it’s exactly what I was looking for and because I think I can bring so much value to the company with my knowledge, skills and experience

2. Tell us about yourself (Ci parli di lei)

  • I was born and raised in …
  • I have worked for 7 years as a …
  • I have worked for several companies including …

3. Why did you leave your last job? (Come mai ha lasciato il suo precedente lavoro?)

  • I revaluated my career goals and decided a change was needed.
  • I had been with the organization for a number of years and wanted to experience a new environment to continue growing.
  • I left for an opportunity to advance my career.
  • I was no longer finding the work fulfilling or enjoying my work as much.

4. Tell me about your education (Ci parli della sua istruzione)

  • I attended the University of …
  • I’ve just graduated from the University of …

5. What do you know about our organization? (Cosa sa della nostra azienda?)

  • Your company has proven to be…..
  • The company is famous for…..

6. How do you handle important decisions? (Come gestisce decisioni importanti da prendere?)

  • I like to gather as much information as possible to aid in my decision, but I also consider how much time is available to me. Then I look at possible outcomes and the likely results of my decisions, and make the best choice for my team and my organization with the facts available.

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7. What are your strengths? (Quali sono i suoi punti forti?)

  • I’ve always been a great team player
  • I believe my strongest trait is my attention to details
  • I’m very good at multitasking/ at problem solving
  • I pay close attention to my customer’s needs
  • I am an excellent communicator
  • I have very good time management skills

8. What are your weaknesses? (Quali sono i suoi punti deboli?)

  • I always try to solve my own problems instead of asking a colleague who might know the answer.
  • Sometimes I have trouble delegating duties to others.
  • I become nervous when ….

9. What is your biggest accomplishment? (Quali sono i traguardi più importanti che ha raggiunto?)

  • I believe my biggest accomplishment has been…but I am looking forward to doing other accomplishments in your company.

10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (Dove si vede tra cinque anni?)

  • I’m looking to improve my skills as….
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11. Why should we hire you? (Perché dovrebbemmo assumerla?)

  • I believe I fit the job description well and that I have the skills and the kind of experience you were looking for.
  • I should be hired because I’m …
  • I think I am a great match for this position.

12. Do you have any questions for us? (Ha domande?)

  • How soon do you expect to make a decision?
  • Do you have a training and development program?

Aggettivi utili da usare quando si parla di se stessi:

motivated, patient, hard-working, optimistic, cooperative, focused, reliable, organised, determined,  committed, proactive, flexible, creative, down-to-earth, responsible, approachable, enthusiastic

Per concludere, se non capite una domanda, don’t panic, chiedete semplicemente di ripetere la domanda:

  • I am sorry, could you kindly repeat the question for me please?
  • I do apologise, I didn’t catch that, could you be so kind and repeat the question for me please?
  • I am so sorry, I didn’t hear the question that well, would you mind repeating it for me please?

In bocca al lupo a tutti! Good Luck!