HR Masterclass | Soft Skills per il settore finance

Gestire la complessità del mondo finanziario non è cosa da poco, anche per gli addetti ai lavori. Per aiutarti a padroneggiare le soft skills più richieste in ambito finanziario, Speexx ha progettato per te due Masterclass gratuite a tema Finance. Guarda gratuitamente le registrazioni delle sessioni, ottieni il massimo dall’esperienza del nostro Speexx Expert Coach Alessandro Marconi e inizia la nuova stagione all’insegna della crescita personale e professionale.[Indicato per tutti i livelli CEFR].

Iscriviti alla Masterclass:

Key Financial Figures:

20 settembre 2022
dalle ore 12:00 alle 12:45

Key Skills for Presenting Financial Figures and Persuade your Audience

Iscriviti subito alla HR Masterclass “Key Financial Figures: How to Successfully Present Financial Information and Persuade Your Audience”:

Alessandro Marconi
Alessandro Marconi

Our Speexx Coach

Alessandro Marconi is a Kenyan-Italian national. He lived in buzzing East Africa during his childhood where he spoke English and Swahili. He then moved to Italy with his family and spent a few years in Stockholm, Sweden. He currently lives in Italy and works as a freelance consultant and trainer. He joined Speexx in 2016 and has been working since then with thousands of professionals from different multinational companies across the globe. He enjoys traveling, getting in contact with new people and cultures, studying, learning new languages, and writing stories.