Survey a cura di Donald H. Taylor e Speexx
L&D nell’era del Remote Working

Il mondo del Learning sta cambiando rapidamente. A causa del coronavirus, 300 milioni di bambini in età scolare stanno imparando da casa. Harvard, Yale e migliaia di istituzioni accademiche stanno convertendo i propri percorsi in modalità online. La tua azienda è pronta per questa rapida transizione? E quali sono le sfide che i responsabili HR e L&D dovranno affrontare?

speexx survey

Remote Learning Survey

Partecipa alla survey, seleziona le 3 sfide principali che il mondo L&D sta affrontando e fa sentire la tua voce! Ti invitiamo a registrarti anche per ricevere in anteprima il report del sondaggio che pubblicheremo entro la fine di aprile 2020.

We Want To Help

We are sure that like all of us you’re trying your best to stay on top of the COVID-19 situation so you can make the best health and safety decisions for your team. Speexx wants to help and show solidarity with the global L&D community. To support affected L&D organizations, we have created an exclusive 6 weeks Business English resource on all topics around remote work and video conferencing.

As of 16 March and for all of your remote co-workers, Speexx provides language skills testing at scale and e-learning resources on how to make remote work a success – free for 6 weeks. Just let us know you are there and get in touch here.

Donald H. Taylor | Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute
Donald H. Taylor | Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute

Donald H. Taylor
Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute

Donald Taylor is a recognized commentator and organizer in the fields of workplace learning and learning technologies. He is chairman of Learning Technologies, the Learning and Performance Institute and a veteran of the learning, skills and human capital industries, with experience at every level from delivery to chairman of the board, and passionately committed to helping develop the learning and development profession.

His background ranges from training delivery to managing director and vice-president positions in software companies. Donald took his own internet-based training business from concept to trade sale in 2001 and has been a company director during several other acquisitions. Now based in London, he has lived and traveled extensively outside the UK and now travels regularly internationally to consult and speak about workplace learning.