Online Business Language Trainer for English, French, German, Spanish or Italian

Professional language trainers assigned to individuals or groups of students bring language learning to life! As one of our Speexx Global Trainers, you will be enriching your students‘ learning experience by providing phone training, holding virtual classroom 1:1 and group sessions, making introductory and motivational calls, correcting written assignments, producing midterm appraisals and much, much more!

Yes, we teach you how it all it works, paying you for the time you spend learning with us and, yes again, you will be working with state-of-the-art communications and student management tools.

Online Business Language Trainer for English, French, German, Spanish or Italian

  • Home office or spot office / Global services

  • Flexible

  • Experienced

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • love language teaching!
  • are open to new approaches in methodology
  • have a native speaking level of the language you teach
  • are certified as a teacher of your native language for non-native speakers
  • are experienced and/or certified as an online language trainer
  • are experienced teaching language in a business environment
  • have English B2 skills or higher
  • have B2 or higher skills in a 2nd or 3rd language
  • work with the latest Windows version (7 or higher) or Mac OS X (10.8 or higher)
  • have a bandwidth connection of 512 Kbps (= 0.512 Mbps) Test here
  • want to dedicate 20+ hours a week to your adventure with Speexx
  • are an organizational whizz and
  • have a thirst for learning!

That’s a tall order, but our students are worth it!

This is Speexx

  • Offices in Munich, London, New York, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Sao Paulo und Shanghai
  • An international team with colleagues from more than 25 countries
  • Flat hierarchies, an open communication culture and short decision-making processes
  • Free language courses (no kidding!)
  • Flexible working hours for a great work-life-balance

We are looking forward to hearing from you!



James Shepard
Head of Training Services

Speexx | digital publishing AG
Tumblingerstrasse 32
D-80337 Munich

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