Tag: mobile learning

ago 21st, 2020

O Perfil Profissional Pós-Pandemia e a Transformação Corporativa

Renata Rangel

O Perfil Profissional Pós-Pandemia e a Transformação Corporativa A pandemia global continua mudando muita coisa. Inclusive em âmbito profissional. Por isso, realizamos um webinar com a Diretora de RH Latam da QIAGEN, para trazer sua experiência riquíssima e nos [...]

O Perfil Profissional Pós-Pandemia e a Transformação CorporativaRenata Rangel
ago 7th, 2019

Treinamento Corporativo de Idiomas no Mundo Digital

Armin Hopp

Globalization and digital transformation are changing the way business works, and more organizations are upskilling their employees in order to keep up -  it’s simply not enough for teams to speak only one language. When a company limits itself to speaking only one language it is missing out on opportunities to develop new partnerships and secure new clients. Many companies are at different stages in their digital transformation journeys, and have questions about best practices when it comes to corporate language training in the digital world.

Treinamento Corporativo de Idiomas no Mundo DigitalArmin Hopp